Spay & Neuter Assistance Program

Whitman County Humane Society (WCHS) is dedicated to promoting the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats to reduce the overpopulation of companion animals. By reducing the population of cats and dogs in our county, we aim to decrease the number of stray, abandoned, and unwanted animals in our community.

Our Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP) provides financial assistance to pet owners in Whitman County for spaying and neutering their cats and dogs. WCHS reimburses participating veterinarians as follows:

  • $22.50 for cat neuters

  • $40 for cat spays

  • $45 for dog neuters

  • $50 for dog spays

If you or someone you know needs financial assistance to spay or neuter a pet, please contact the Whitman County Humane Society. Visit the shelter during open hours to complete a quick survey and see if you qualify for a SNAP coupon. If eligible, you will receive your SNAP coupon immediately, which remains active for 30 days. There is a limit of three coupons per household per year.

Financial support for the SNAP program comes from grants, private donations, and special fundraising efforts, with revenue specifically earmarked for SNAP. No general operating funds are used to support the program.

The SPAY ~ NEUTER ~ ADOPT Washington license plate will help fund life-changing spay/neuter surgeries